Το book-it.gr σας προτείνει να προμηθευτείτε όλα τα βιβλία ιταλικών και να επωφελειθείτε απο τις απίστευτες τιμές τους.
Bellissimo! 1(A1/A2) - Studente + Eserciziario (Βιβλίο Μαθητή+ Ασκήσεων) - (Εκδοτικός οίκος ELI PUBLICATIONS)
- Primi passi (First Steps): a picture double page introduces the unit topic and the relevant vocabulary.
Three sections are devoted to language skills: Guarda e ascolta (Look and Listen), Leggi (Read), Scrivi (Write).
- Two specific sections are devoted to grammar and phonetics revision and to self-assessment: Rifletti (Think about it) and Cosa so fare in italiano? (What can I do in Italian?).
- Every three units, pages of Giochi (Games) and activities are offered for revision and consolidation of language learnt.
- Βιβλίο ασκήσεων
- Βιβλίο Μαθητή
- Livello Elementare(A1-A2)