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Cambridge - Complete PET Student's Book with Answers(+Online Workbook)(For the Revised Exam from 2020)2nd

Μη Διαθέσιμο
Είδος βιβλίουStudents Book, Work Book ΤάξηSenior D Class
BARCODE: 9781108525299
Cambridge - Complete PET Student's Book with Answers(+Online Workbook)(For the Revised Exam from 2020)2nd Βιβλίο που απευθύνεται σε μαθητές επιπέδου Intermediate(B1).


 Το book-it.gr σας προτείνει να αγοράσετε όλα τα βιβλία σας και να επωφεληθείτε απο τις απίστευτες τιμές τους.

Cambridge - Complete PET Student's Book with Answers(+Online Workbook)(For the Revised Exam from 2020)2nd, Επίπεδο Intermediate (B1).

Complete Preliminary 2nd edition is the most thorough preparation for the revised B1 Preliminary. Complete Student's Book allows you to maximise students' performance with the Complete approach to language development and exam training. It creates a stimulating learning environment with eye-catching images, easy-to-navigate units and fun topics. Online Practice accompanying each Student's Book offers additional practice in grammar and vocabulary. The Online Workbook provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced in the Student's Book. Online Practice accompanying each Student's Book offers additional practice in grammar and vocabulary. Downloadable Class Audio containing the listening material for this course is provided with the Teacher's Book.


Είδος βιβλίου:

  • Students Book
  • Work Book



  • Senior D Class