Εκδόσεις Ευρασία - Dating the upper part of the Pala Doro si San Marco(Συγγραφείς:Γερουλάνος Στέφανος)
Λίγα λόγια για το βιβλίο:
tefanos Geroulanos, f. Professor of Surgery at the University of Zurich and History of Medicine at the University of Ioannina, follows the path of History and exposes the Upper Part of the Pala d’ Oro (UPP) for what it was. Through clear detection he has established that the UPP – until now unnoticed – is a request vow and that the sponsor of this part of the magnificent Pala d’ Oro must have been the Imperial couple John II Komnenos and Piroska-Eirene, founders of the Monastery of Pantokrator in Constantinople, concluding that the beginning of the construction of the UPP can be placed shortly before 1134 and finished a little after 1136.