Set against the backdrop of Victorian England, this manga adaptation breathes new life into Bram Stoker’s timeless tale. Wilhelmina “Mina” Murray leads a brave group of companions as they confront Count Dracula, an ancient evil spreading fear and madness. With Lucy Westenra’s life in the balance, tensions rise among Mina’s allies as they race against time to save her.
Count Dracula’s sudden appearance plunges the group into chaos. As the undead king’s influence grows, they must harness centuries of collected knowledge to stand a chance against his malevolent power. But will logic and wisdom prevail against the madness of the undead? Or will Dracula’s reign of terror engulf them all?
Why Read This Manga Retelling of Dracula «#Drcl Midnight Children (Vol.3)»
- A Gothic Classic Reimagined: Dive into a surreal retelling of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, now brought to life in stunning manga style.
- Complex Characters: Follow Mina Murray’s fearless determination to save Lucy against impossible odds.
- Epic Confrontations: Witness the thrilling clash between humanity’s wisdom and Count Dracula’s supernatural terror.
- Themes of Unity and Resolve: A tale of friendship, loyalty, and the power of standing together in the face of evil.
- Stunning Visuals: Gorgeous, haunting manga artwork captures the essence of gothic horror like never before.
Blending classic gothic themes with breathtaking manga artistry, this retelling offers a fresh yet hauntingly familiar take on Dracula.
Δείτε επίσης εδώ όλα τα βιβλία των Shin'ichi Sakamoto, Bram Stoker