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Εκδόσεις Edilingua - Collana cultura italiana: Storia italiana per stranieri

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ΤάξηLivello Intermedio -Avanzato(B2-C1)

Εκδόσεις Edilingua - Collana cultura italiana: Storia italiana per stranieri


Εκδόσεις Edilingua - Collana cultura italiana: Storia italiana per stranieri

Λίγα λόγια για το βιβλίο:

The second in a series of books which aims to help students of Italian as a foreign language gain a better cultural understanding of Italy. This volume presents the history of Italy from Ancient Rome to the present day, encouraging students to reflect on the historical events and the reasons why history took the path that it did. The book aims not be a sterile list of dates and facts, but rather a guide to understanding Italy and the Italian people in the 21st Century in light of the events of the last 2500 years.

The volume is organised into 9 chapters - 9 modules - each of which presents a historical period. Events, dates, names, wars and battles are noted on a timeline every two pages for quick and easy reference. To aid comprehension, each sub-chapter presents a table of specific terms, "Le parole della storia", which are closely related to or used in the period in question, explaining them in a clear and simple way. At the end of the book you will also find a glossary with all these words listed in order.

The volume is complemented by free online resources:
Texts for further study of historical periods and important figures.
Self-assessment tests, one for each chapter, for students to check how much they have learned at the end of each module.
Introductory videos of each topic, with Prof. Balboni, on the publisher's YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3v1Rwga

Upper intermediate - Advanced level (CEFR B2-C2)





  • Livello Intermedio -Avanzato(B2-C1)