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Great Writing 4 - Student's Book(with Online Access Code)(Μαθητή)

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Είδος βιβλίουStudents Book ΤάξηCAE/ALCE/Advanced(C1)

Great Writing 4 - Student's Book(with Online Access Code)(Μαθητή) - National Geographic Learning(Cengage)


Great Writing 4 - Student's Book(with Online Access Code)(Μαθητή) - National Geographic Learning(Cengage)

Λίγα λόγια για το βιβλίο:

"Great Writing bridges the gap from ESL writers to mainstream writers! The Great Writing series uses clear explanations and extensive practical activities to help students write great sentences, paragraphs, and essays. Each book contains a wide variety of writing models in carefully selected rhetorical styles that provide practice in working with the writing process to develop a final piece of writing. * An all-new level, Great Writing Foundations introduces students to the basics of sentence structure, grammar, spelling and vocabulary for writing. * Impactful National Geographic images open every unit and help to stimulate student writing. * Updated ""Grammar for Writing"" sections help students apply target structures to the writing goals. * ""Building Better Vocabulary"" activities highlight words from the Academic Word List and encourage students to use new words in their writing. * Student writing models help students focus on specific writing skills and multiple rhetorical structures"




Είδος βιβλίου:

  • Students Book




  • CAE/ALCE/Advanced(C1)