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Εκδόσεις Edilingua - La Divina Commedia per stranieri: Inferno

Σε Απόθεμα
ΤάξηLivello Intermedio(B1-B2), Livello Intermedio -Avanzato(B2-C1)

Εκδόσεις Edilingua - La Divina Commedia per stranieri: Inferno


Εκδόσεις Edilingua - La Divina Commedia per stranieri: Inferno

Λίγα λόγια για το βιβλίο:

La Divina Commedia per stranieri - Inferno is the first of three volumes dedicated to the most important masterpiece of the great Italian poet, Dante Alighieri. The volume aims to help university students of Italian, but also anyone who loves the Italian language and culture, understand and appreciate the beauty and the poetic-literary value of Dante's Inferno.

The volume presents 9 units which each focus on a specific canto. The units have a modular structure offering two paths of study:
The red path provides a summary and a simplified version of the text, along with notes, to aid understanding. It is aimed at intermediate level students, but can also be used as a first reading approach for advanced level students;
The blue path presents the original text with notes that are useful for an in-depth analysis of the text and cultural references to contemporary Italy. It is aimed at advanced level students.

The volume also includes tests at the end of each unit and a brief, final glossary.

CEFR level B1+/C2.





  • Livello Intermedio -Avanzato(B2-C1)
  • Livello Intermedio(B1-B2)