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Marbles 5 - Booster Pack

Μη Διαθέσιμο
Είδος βιβλίουStudents Book ΤάξηSenior B Class, Senior D Class, Senior C Class

Εκδόσεις Helbling - Marbles 5 - Booster Pack


Publisher Helbling - Marbles 5 - Booster Pack


Each of the eight ten-page main units contains:

A topic and Vocabulary presentation and practice spread with video
Two pages with presentation and practice of two Language points
A Phonics page to present and practise a key sound through a chant and a song with video
A Value page with a message related to the unit topic, which develops aspects of Learning for life such as Global learning or Social and emotional learning (SEL).
Odd-numbered units: These include an engaging Our world page with real-life content and video related to the unit topic with a message that develops aspects of Social and emotional learning (SEL). A Listening and Speaking skills page is also included with real-world contexts, illustrated with photo and pictures, and a role play with visual support.
Even-numbered units: These include a page with CLIL material related to the unit topic. An episode of the Whatsit and friends! story with animated video is also included.
An Imagine, create and play page with activities promoting imagination, creativity and collaboration as pupils create their unit project and play
A Review page for consolidation and self-assessment




Είδος βιβλίου:

  • Students Book



  • Senior B Class
  • Senior C Class
  • Senior D Class