Publisher Helbling - Marbles 6 - Booster Pack
Each of the eight ten-page main units contains:
- A topic and Vocabulary presentation and practice spread
- Two pages with presentation and practice of the first Language point, featuring Rap with Ronnie! for pronunciation practice, supported by video animation
- A page with presentation and practice of the second Language point
- A Listening and Speaking page with topic-based listening activities and a Let’s talk box highlighting functional language. The associated speaking task fosters collaboration.
- A Reading page introducing a range of text types and, in some units, a Learning for life focus on Global learning or Social and emotional learning (SEL)
- A page with engaging CLIL material related to the unit topic and, in some units, a Learning for life focus on Global learning or Social and emotional learning (SEL)
- An Imagine, research and present page promoting imagination, collaboration, research skills and communication skills as pupils present their group project
- A Review page for consolidation and self-assessment