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Michigan ECPE (GCVR) - 12 theme‐based Units - Student's book(Βιβλίο Μαθητή)

Σε Απόθεμα
Είδος βιβλίουStudents Book ΤάξηCPE/ECPE/Proficiency (C2), CAE/ALCE/Advanced(C1)

Betsis - Michigan ECPE (GCVR) - 12 theme‐based Units - Student's book(Βιβλίο Μαθητή)


Betsis - Michigan ECPE (GCVR) - 12 theme‐based Units - Student's book(Βιβλίο Μαθητή)

Key Features:
• 12 themebased Units that focus on the Grammar, Cloze, Vocabulary and Reading sections of the ECPE exam, dealing with especially tricky grammatical usage and sophisticated vocabulary.
• Each unit comprises of the Reading Section which focuses on improving candidates’ Reading Comprehension skills. At the same time, new vocabulary found in the texts is followed by Vocabulary Exercises.
• The next section, Grammar in Context deals with specific Grammar topics that are commonly found in the Michigan ECPE exam.
• The following two sections of each unit, Words in Action and Vocabulary Development, focus on Vocabulary Building.
• The last part of each unit is a short Michigan ECPE Test.


Είδος βιβλίου:

  • Students Book



  • CAE/ALCE/Advanced(C1)
  • CPE/ECPE/Proficiency (C2)