A Journey Into London's Dark and Magical Underworld
In Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere, an ordinary act of kindness plunges Richard Mayhew, a young and unassuming businessman, into a shadowy world beneath the streets of London. This "other London" is a realm of strange beauty and haunting darkness, populated by saints and monsters, murderers and angels, and enigmatic figures like Door, an Angel called Islington, and an Earl who holds court in a Tube train carriage.
A Strange and Unexpected Destiny
As Richard navigates labyrinthine tunnels and faces dangers both terrifying and bizarre, he discovers an unexpected destiny. From encountering a monstrous Beast to deciphering the mysteries of this fantastical underworld, his journey is one of self-discovery and survival. All Richard wants is to return to his normal life, but the world of Neverwhere has other plans.
An Unparalleled Work of Fantasy
Neil Gaiman’s debut novel is a dazzling blend of urban fantasy, dark humor, and masterful storytelling. With its richly imagined world and unforgettable characters, Neverwhere has become a cornerstone of modern fantasy literature. Adapted into a graphic novel, a BBC television series, and a six-part radio drama, the story continues to captivate audiences worldwide.