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Nuovo Caffè Italia 3(B1) - Guida per l'insegnante (+ 3 CD)(Βιβλίο Καθηγητή)

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ΤάξηLivello Intermedio(B1-B2)

The course also helps prepare students for the CELI, CILS and PLIDA examinations with sections of further exercises presented in the style of the exams.


Nuovo Caffè Italia 3(B1) - Guida per l'insegnante (+ 3 CD)(Βιβλίο Καθηγητή)(Εκδοτικός οίκος ELI PUBLICATIONS)

The new edition of Caffè Italia with up-to-date content, digital features, and a fresh new design. This three-level course for teenagers and young adults takes a simple and practical approach to learning Italian, placing a strong focus on spoken interaction and written skills. Each unit offers plenty of listening activities in authentic, everyday contexts along with enjoyable, communicative exercises to get students talking with ease. Further key features include: grammar boxes, fun revision games, an engaging "Test finale" in the form of a playscript for the class to act out, and "Italia oggi" sections devoted to Italian culture and events.

The course also helps prepare students for the CELI, CILS and PLIDA examinations with sections of further exercises presented in the style of the exams.

The Student's Books - with Workbook section and audio CD included - come with a digital version of the book. Use the digital book online or offline on your tablet, smartphone or desktop and access extra, exciting features including an interactive game "Tocca a te!" (Level A1) and fun Kahoot! activities. Plus, download the free ELI-LINK app and scan the pages of the textbook to listen to the audio tracks!

Additional online resources for the teacher include the virtual classroom and a free digital graded reader for each level.




  • Livello Intermedio(B1-B2)
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