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Open World A2 Key (KET) Workbook with Answers (+Audio Download)(Βιβλίο Ασκήσεων)

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Είδος βιβλίουWork Book ΤάξηSenior C Class, Senior B Class
BARCODE: 9781108753272
Open World A2 Key (KET) Workbook with Answers (+Audio Download)(Βιβλίο Ασκήσεων) και απευθύνονται σε μαθητές επιπέδου A2.


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Cambridge Open World A2 Key (KET) Workbook with Answers (+Audio Download)(Βιβλίο Ασκήσεων)

Authors:Cowper, A, Dignen, S & White, S

Key Features:
• The Workbook and Test Generator provide additional exam practice and two complete practice tests provide a valuable run-through of the full exam.
• Grammar videos provide opportunities for flipped learning - students can watch the grammar videos before class, or use them as a revision aid.
• Dynamic documentary videos and texts in the Real World sections provide an insight into real life situations around the world, and how to get by in them.
• Launch mobile animations, before or after class, to spark learning with Grammar on the move.
• Exam tips and Exam facts given throughout the Exam focus pages develop the students' strategies for exam success. Each unit has a separate exam focus with full exam tasks and a familiarisation task.
• Push yourself sections extend students' capability and confidence to an even higher level. These sections allow students to stretch to the CEFR level above their current exam.
• The Real World pages add an extra layer of authenticity to each unit, giving the learners a chance to demonstrate the English abilities they need to communicate effectively in the open world.
• Each Real world lesson ends with a link to a Life competence: a life-long skill taken from The Cambridge Framework for Life Competencies.
• A Grammar reference, Phrasal verbs, a Writing bank and a Speaking bank all provide extra reference and practice.


Είδος βιβλίου:

  • Work Book



  • Senior B Class
  • Senior C Class
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