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Piccolo e forte! A - Libro + CD audio

Σε Απόθεμα
Είδος βιβλίουΒιβλίο Μαθητή, CDs ΤάξηLivello Elementare(A1-A2)
BARCODE: 9788899358044
Το Βιβλίο Piccolo e forte! A - Libro + CD audio


Edilingua - Piccolo e forte! A - Libro + CD audio

Βασικά Χαρακτηριστικά

'Piccolo e forte! A' (designed for 4-6 year olds) provides a first point of contact with spoken Italian, while the alphabet and the first steps towards written Italian are approached in 'Piccolo e forte! B' (for 5-7 year olds).

Inspired by a close analysis of the cognitive and communicative development of young children, the motivating recreational approach is centred on songs, games and creative activities to maximise enjoyment and enhance the natural learning process.

'Piccolo e forte!' is perfectly designed to precede 'Forte!', the popular Italian course for children aged 7-11. It follows the same structure and introduces the same characters that are depicted throughout the course: Paula, Edmond, Hamid, and Simone (they're just a little smaller!).

Additional features include 'Il tesoro delle parole' picture dictionary and flashcard games.


Είδος βιβλίου:

  • CDs
  • Βιβλίο Μαθητή



  • Livello Elementare(A1-A2)
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