Πατάκης Practice tests for Michigan ECCE (B2) - Teacher's book (Καθηγητή Revised 2021 format)
Απευθύνεται σε υποψηφίους που θα λάβουν μέρος στις εξετάσεις Michigan ECCE τον Μαιο του 2021
Συγγραφείς Μπρατσόλη Αντιγόνη,Richards James
Περιγραφή - Βασικά Χαρακτηριστικά :
Available from December, 15th. 12 complete practice tests that provide extensive practice in the revised (2021 format) ECCE exam!
The Student's book contains: – 12 complete tests – An introduction with information about the ECCE exam providing a detailed description of each section of the examination – 12 full-color speaking tests – Model writing samples – Glossary with definitions and examples – Sample answer sheets The Teacher's book contains: – 12 complete tests with overprinted answers – An introduction with information about the ECCE exam providing a detailed description of each section of the examination – 12 speaking tests – Model writing samples – Full listening transcripts – Sample answer sheets Components of the course: – Student's book – Teacher's book (overprinted) – Free downloadable audio files
Είδος βιβλίου:
- Teachers Book
- FCE/ECCE/Lower(B2)