Redemption in the Meiji Era
Rurouni Kenshin tells the story of Kenshin Himura, a wandering swordsman seeking redemption for his bloody past during the Meiji Restoration. This timeless manga weaves together action, romance, and historical intrigue, cementing its place as one of the most beloved series of all time.
A Dojo Under Siege
Kenshin’s dojo is attacked by a coalition of warriors harboring deep grudges against him. The battle erupts on three fronts:
Sanosuke faces Inui Banjin, a master of combat armed with indestructible gauntlets.
Yahiko squares off against Otowa Hyōko, a deadly assassin skilled in secret killing techniques.
Kenshin himself confronts the sinister Gein, a puppet master who has unleashed a terrifying new invention.
A Mastermind Behind the Chaos
Overseeing the destruction is Enishi, the enigmatic architect of the attacks. As chaos unfolds, Kenshin and his allies must push their skills to the limit to defend their home and protect the ideals of peace and redemption they fight for.