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Spotlight on Advanced Exam Booster with Answers(+ Audio Cds) 2nd Edition

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Εκδόσεις National Geographic Learning(Cengage) - Spotlight on Advanced Exam Booster with Answers(+ Audio Cds) 2nd Edition


Εκδόσεις National Geographic Learning(Cengage) - Spotlight on Advanced Exam Booster with Answers(+ Audio Cds) 2nd Edition

Λίγα Λόγια για το Βιβλίο:

Spotlight on CAE is a completely new, comprehensive course carefully written to the new CAE exam specifications introduced in December 2008. It prepares adult and younger learners to excel in the revised exam. All four skills are developed within each of the sixteen units, and are supported by an overall skills-based examination syllabus.

 Spotlight on CAE includes:

* Engaging texts motivate students and encourage independent learning. * Exam Spotlights are carefully designed to give essential advice to students preparing for the CAE exam. * Skills Spotlights are carefully designed to develop the key skills essential for success in the new CAE examination. * The language development syllabus is tailored specifically to help students improve their knowledge of essential English vocabulary, phrases, phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions, as well as teaching them to use them correctly and confidently. * A vocabulary organiser at the end of each unit assists students with the organisation and consolidation of new vocabulary. * Additional two page reviews, designed to strengthen and confirm students ability to manage exam-style tasks, is included after every four units.

 Reference materials

* A comprehensive Grammar section introduces and consolidates the most important grammatical requirements at this level. * The Writing guide provides a complete set of writing models covering all of the main genres from the exam and additional writing practice. * The Speaking reference includes Student A and B photographs, interview style questions and useful phrases.







  • CAE/ALCE/Advanced(C1)