Succeed in ESB - Level B2 -Exam Preparation & 10 Practice Tests - Self Study (Student's Book +cd Mp3 + key) BETSIS - Νέα έκδοση 2018
Το Βιβλίο Succeed in ESB - Level B2 - Preparation & Practice Tests - Self Study BETSIS απευθύνεται σε υποψηφίους που θα λάβουν μέρος στις εξετάσεις ESB
- Student's Book
- Cd' Mp3
- Key
- 10 practice tests for the revised 2017 ESB Level B2 exam that help students familiarise themselves with the content and format of the new exam and to practise exam techniques.
- Additional Grammar and Vocabulary sections for Level B2 are included in order to help students avoid common exam mistakes.
- Detailed explanations for each answer for the Reading section
- Model Writing and Speaking responses
- MP3-CD with the recordings for the Listening section
- FCE/ECCE/Lower(B2)