Το book-it.gr σας προτείνει να αγοράσετε όλα τα βιβλία σας και να επωφεληθείτε απο τις απίστευτες τιμές τους.
Succeed in TIE C1-C2 Teacher's Pack (+reader:Pride & Prejudice), BETSIS
It consists of :
-10 units with examples and exercises for the specific TIE tasks.
-A set of complete logbooks is accompanying this publication.
-An illustrated Simplified Reader book (Pride & Prejudice) functions as the basis of the TIE activities related to the book Preparation part.
-As with the logbook, and the news stories, candidates should be encouraged to read at least one more book, and also come up with their own mini-projects for the investigation part of the TIE.
Είδος βιβλίου:
- Readers
- Teachers Book
- CAE/ALCE/Advanced(C1)
- CPE/ECPE/Proficiency (C2)