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YER 4(A2): Nyangoma’s Story A Child’s Life in Uganda+ CD (Readers)

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Είδος βιβλίουReaders
BARCODE: 9788853623041
To Βιβλίο YER 4(A2):Nyangoma’s Story A Child’s Life in Uganda+ CD (Readers) - ELI PUBLICATIONS


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YER 4(A2): Nyangoma's Story A Child's Life in Uganda+ CD (Readers) - (Εκδοτικός οίκος ELI PUBLICATIONS)


Nyangoma is an Ugandan girl who tells her daily life to children of her age: what they eat, how their school is like, the toys they play with, her friends. It's really touching listening to her words describing her Country and her life.

Nyangoma, a twelve-year-old African girl, invites the reader into her world to meet her family and to see what
everyday life is like in a real Ugandan village. Come and find out about her home and school and what Nyangoma
and her friends do in their free time. Then discover what happens to her one day on the way to school.

Vocabulary areas
Home and family, food, animals, the
world around us
Grammar and structures
Past continuous - Present perfect – Will
– Adverbs - Conjunctions after before
- If so - If and when clauses (in zero
conditionals) - Before / after clauses
- Verbs that take infinite /gerund -
Infinitive of purpose - Be/look like - Be
made of/from - Comparatives and
superlatives - Descriptive adjectives

In this Reader you will find:
Games and language activities | An audio recording of the story | A picture dictionary

Valuing other cultures | Friendship | Citizenship


Είδος βιβλίου:
  • Readers
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